How common is Male Infertility

How common is Male Infertility Infertility is defined as an inability to conceive after one or two years of unprotected intercourse without any form of birth control. How common is male infertility, While infertility is often considered a female issue, male infertility is also facing an issues than many people realize. In our create fertility…

Male Infertility Test

Male Infertility Test Male infertility test involves a series of evaluations and examinations to assess the man’s reproductive health. Specifically focusing on sperm production, sperm quality, and overall fertility potential. Male infertility test refers to a man has difficulty impregnating a woman despite regular and unprotected sexual intercourse with a fertile partner. In our create…

Male Infertility Causes

Male Infertility Causes Male Infertility directly affects sperm production, sperm quality, or the sperm’s ability to reach and fertilize the egg hindering the chances of successful conception. Male infertility usually results from problems with spermatogenesis and it can be due to hormonal problems, poor function of the testicles or blockages in the male urogenital tract.…